Monday, July 23, 2007

Model: Roof options

For Lily: me working old-fashioned like. Also note the 'wireless' playing in the background.

Roof Type 1: Flat, falling back to courtyard.

Roof Type 2: Low folds, falling to box gutters.

Roof Type 3: High folds, falling to box gutters at perimeter.

Roof Type 4: PREFERRED. One fold up, one fold down, opens out to view and compresses over kitchen, falls to box gutters at perimeter and fold line.

1 comment:

martin said...

Love the wireless. Is the Omo also a prop to give that authentic old school feel?
We are very excited about the model. We agree that option No. 4 is the most exciting but Martin thinks that option 3 is probably the best in terms of fire safety and leaf litter acumulation. Also probably less likely to upset the builders.